Manuscript Formatting Guidelines

Manuscript Content Requirements

Every complete submitted article must have the following obligatory content:

  • Title (in the the main language of the manuscript, NOT in all caps)
  • Title in English (if English is the main language of the manuscript, Russian should be used as the second language, NOT in all caps, for English use title capitalization )
  • Full name of the author and the e-mail address
  • Synopsis (up to 800 characters) outlying the contents of the article in the the main language of the manuscript
  • Keywords (up to 10) in the the main language of the manuscript
  • Synopsis in English (if English is the main language of the manuscript, Russian should be used as the second language)
  • Keywords (up to 10) in English (if English is the main language of the manuscript, Russian should be used as the second language)
  • Main text of the article
  • Reference list (bibliography)
  • Summary of the article (up to 3000 characters), written in the language, that is not the main language of the article (authors should choose this language with consideration of the topic – for example, article about polish literature, written in Russian or English, should have a summary, written in Polish)
  • A short presentation of the author (for the form see articles in previous issues).

Every complete submitted review must have the following obligatory content:

  • Title (in the the main language of the manuscript)
  • Title in English (if English is the main language of the manuscript, Russian should be used as the second language)
  • Full bibliographical reference of the reviewed text
  • Full name of the author and the e-mail address
  • Main text of the review
  • A short presentation of the author (for the form see articles in previous issues).

Manuscripts with missing obligatory content will not be considered for publication.

Text Formatting Requirements

Titles and subtitles (if used) should be written in sentence case (or title case if written in English). All caps should not be used.

Same rule applies to the synopsis and keywords.

The main text may be divided into sections with headings and subheadings, which should not be numbered. Two levels of headings are possible and they should be written in plain text and marked with the proceeding ## for the top level headings or ### for the second level heading:

## Some Top Level Heading

Following text ...

### Some Second Level Heading

Hyphens should not be confused with dashes. Hyphens without spaces should be used in compounds, en-dashes (–) without spaces should be used, for example, when citing pages (e.g., 5–8) and em-dashes (―) should be used with inserted sentences or phrases.

The first line of a paragraph should not be indented.

Short quotations in the text should appear within quotation marks. Quotations of more than 5 typed lines should be offset in a new paragraph, left-aligned and written in a smaller font (Times New Roman 10); in this case, quotation marks are not necessary. Omissions from quotations should be marked with three dots between square brackets: […]. Sources should be cited in parentheses ( ) at the end of a quotation.

Titles of the books and journals mentioned in the text should appear in italics.

In the main text, footnotes should appear below a line. They may only refer to content and should not be used bibliographical references. They should be consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals. Footnote numbers in the text should appear without spacing after the word to which it refers, or after the punctuation mark following that word.

The reference list (bibliography) should comprise those works mentioned in the text and those that were used as source material. The reference list and bibliographic information on sources of quotations and references used in the text should be written according to adapted MLA standards. References to sources and pages in the text should appear in parentheses. Generally, you want to provide the last name of the author and the specific page numbers of the source. If such information is already given in the body of the sentence, then exclude it from the parenthetical citation. Example with author's name in text:

Johnson argues this point (12-13) ...

Example without author's name in text:

This point had already been argued (Johnson: 12-13) ...

If you use more than one work of the same author, you may add a publication year of the cited work.

As has been argued by Johnson some years ago (2009: 99-100) and recently (2016: 3) ..., but some do not agreee (see Bradford: 55, Cooper 2009: 33 and Cooper 1998: 12)

Place the parenthetical citation where there is a pause in the sentence – normally before the end of a sentence or a comma.

In the reference list (bibliography), references should appear as follows:


KOS, KANKO, 1970: Prešeren in evropska romantika. Ljubljana: DZS.

GSPAN, ALFONZ (ed.), 1978: Cvetnik slovenskega umetnega pesništva do srede XIX. stoletja. 1. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica.

Articles in periodicals:

DOLINAR, DARKO, 1977: Vprašanje o prevajanju v literarni vedi. Slavistična revija 25, 2–3. 277–292.

Articles in volumes and proceedings:

KESER, MARTIN, 1982: A Methodological Setting for Rhetorical Criticism. Art and Meaning: Rhetoric in Biblical Literature. Ed. David A. Clines et al. Sheffield: JSOT Press. 1–19.

Web resource:

В МОСКВЕ, 2018: В Москве задержан водитель, который поссорился с посетителями кафе и въехал в них. Meduza. []