Peer Review

Peer Review Process

The journal peer reviews all the material it receives to ensure the high standards of scholarly material published. Submited articles are reviewed according to a procedure of double blind review, in which both the referee and the author remain anonymous throughout the reviewing process.

Manuscripts submitted for publication are passed on to two referees, who are experts in the fieled. The referee may be a member of the Editorial Advisory Board or other renoun specialists on the dicussed topic.

Peer Review Policy

The refesees evaluate the submited manuscript according to scholarly relevance, methodological rigour, originality, consistency of argumentation and reference to previous publications on the discussed topic. Referees do not edit the manuscript, but they may offer suggestions or advise on necessary corrections of the submited work.

Authors will be informed about acceptance or refusal within three months after the receipt of their manuscript. Referee reports are added in case of refusal or if revision of a manuscript is recommended.

Slavica TerGestina welcoms referee sugestions, but the final selection of the two referees is made by the Editorial Board.

If the author finds, that the decision of the review process was not made in acorrdance to the scientific criteria, stated above, he may present his argument to the Editorial Board. If the Editorial bord finds his arguments comeplling, it may aprove a second round of the review process with new referees. The decision in this second round is final.